根据科技博客网站Gizmodo报道 科技很难被创造,亦很难被预测。前一分钟可能是重大突破的产品,转瞬之间就沦为惨痛的失败。
上周,我提出这样一个问题,什么是史上最大的科技败笔。我提这个问题很大一部分原因是由于亚马逊的Fire Phone遭遇滑铁卢,而亚马逊的季度报告也承认这是一个惨重的失败。
Nexus Q
Microsoft Kin
Apple Lisa
Windows Vista
Nintendo 64 (Cartridges)
Microsoft Bob
Cyberdyne's Skynet
9 of the Biggest Mess Ups in Tech History
Technology is tough to create and even tougher to predict. What can seem like a breakthrough product one minute, can quickly turn into a nightmarish mistake.
Last week, I asked what were the biggest tech gaffes in history. This question was prompted, in part, by the dismal sales of Amazon's Fire Phone, which the company's quarterly report confirmed with horrific losses.
But as you all pointed out, Amazon isn't alone, but what defines a "failure" prompted some interesting answers. Of course, there are the obvious one—lots of Microsoft software for example. However, a few seem successful (and in fact were at the time), but maybe sent a company in the absolute wrong direction. In other cases, some gadgets were actually great, maybe even revolutionary, but it was the companies behind them that were blind to what they had created.
Whatever the reason, here are 9 of the biggest face palms in tech history.
Nexus Q
Microsoft Kin
Apple Lisa
Windows Vista
Nintendo 64 (Cartridges)
Microsoft Bob
Cyberdyne's Skynet